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Why should I use civil documents .NET?
Civil documents is committed to finding the best and most trustworthy individuals to obtain civil documents for individuals. We will never ask you for more than your name and email address in order to protect your privacy and security. All communication between your and your designated agent or lawyer is communicated securely.
Can I get civil documents online without using a third party?
Absolutely, In many cases you can obtain civil documents online. In some cases you can obtain these documents from an embassy or mission. You maybe the only one able to obtain your civil documents.
Who do you work with?
At civil documents we work with reputable law firms and individuals worldwide.
How affordable is it to use third parties to obtain my civil documents?
This depends on multiple variables such as the country required, if documents are obtained by legal professional, notaries, translators, urgency etc.
Can you guarantee I will get the document I require?
No unfortunately not. If we can not set you up with an organization or individual for your civil document for the country required then we will notify you right away at no cost.
Why do you only ask for my name and email address on the website forms?
At civil documents we are committed to your privacy. While there are no absolutes when it comes to your privacy all communication between you and the provider must be completed though the third party platform Titan file (
Can the professionals you work with legally obtain civil documents for me?
That depends, in some cases only you can obtain your own civil documents. In some cases a power of attorney is required in order to obtain civil documents for you.
I am having a hard time obtaining my civil documents from the country I was born in can your agents facilitate bribes?
You might come from a part of the world in which it is very difficult or near impossible to obtain civil documents without bribes. Simply put it is never a good idea to offer bribes to obtain documents. If we suspect that these types of transactions are taking place we will remove those vendors from our trusted vendor list.